Humble Book Bundle: Game Design and AI Featuring Steve Rabin, by Taylor & Francis Bundle

How cool would it be if you could take part in creating a game? Thanks to the Game Design and AI Bundle, you will gain the necessary knowledge needed to cover the aspect of game development implied by the title: designing it to the very last detail! Among these titles you will find valuable tips, tricks and insights from professional game designers and experts on artificial intelligence, so you can rest assured that you will be in very good hands. To strengthen that statement, keep in mind that among the people that you will get to learn from you will also find Steve Rabin, a very acclaimed and appreciated veteran of the industry!

This deal is only available for a limited time, so grab it now or you might miss it!

Take your first steps into the world of game design!

Gaining and developing a skill takes time, effort, lots of hard work, and most importantly, some good learning materials. By locking in the amazing collection of books included in the Game Design and AI Bundle, you will get the latter issue taken care of, as these are probably some of the best study resources that you could find! Uncover in-depth breakdowns of video game classics, useful advice for development, along with theories and philosophies that stand behind games and game creation. Moreover, there are 3 individually priced tiers available, so pay up to the one that suits your needs best and start learning!

Moving forward, we will take a look at what each tier has in store for you, starting with the first one! From this one you can acquire 2 titles, for which you only need to spend the bare minimum amount of 1, as follows:

  • Games As A Service: How Free to Play Design Can Make Better Games
  • Game AI Pro

The learning process never stops, so aim even higher! All you need to do is raise the bar to at least 9.39, and you will also add the following 7 books to your set:

  • We Deserve Better Villains
  • The Pyramid of Game Design
  • Game AI Pro 2
  • The Craft and Science of Game Design
  • Making Deep Games
  • Game AI Pro 360: Guide to Movement and Pathfinding
  • Game AI Pro 360: Guide to Character Behavior

You never know when an opportunity like this will come around again, so go all out and grab the full Game Design and AI Bundle collection! Therefore, upon paying up to 16.90 or more you will receive all previously enlisted contents, plus the next 9 items! Make sure you don’t miss out on:

  • Game Engine Gems 3
  • Game Engine Gems 2
  • Game Design Theory: A New Philosophy for Understanding Games
  • Vintage Games 2.0
  • 20 Essential Games to Study
  • Game Design Deep Dive: Platformers
  • Game AI Pro 360: Guide to Tactics and Strategy
  • Game AI Pro 360: Guide to Architecture
  • Game AI Pro 3

Learn from some of the industry’s best with the Game Design and AI Bundle!

If you happen to be a gamer, gaming or artificial intelligence enthusiast, then you have just found the most fantastic book collection you could have hoped for in the Game Design and AI Bundle! In case you are not new to this platform, you already know that any deal resulted from the team up of Taylor & Francis with Humble Bundle was a staggering success, and we can easily tell why! All of them are delivering incredible quality for a very low price, as you will be saving over €1.200 regardless from the tier that you pay up to. So go ahead and check out the Game Design and AI Bundle and other amazing deals, only at Humble Bundle.

Things are just getting better, as you will be able to bring your much needed contribution to charity while acquiring this set of game design and AI learning materials! That is possible as Humble Bundle has partnered up with thousands of charities that they support with each purchase from their platform. Upon purchasing this bundle, you will be aiding the Direct Relief charity.

Lock in a digital library of tech knowledge and support charity at the same time!

It is important to mention that Humble Bundle allows you to choose how your money gets split between the publishers, charities or the Humble Tip, while also allowing you to adjust your donation, so that you are in full control of where your money goes. By using the links in this article to make purchases from Humble Bundle, you will also be able to support Bundle Scan. Thank you very much for doing so!

Make sure you check out the other bundles from Humble Bundle.

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