Humble Book Bundle: 2000 AD Characters Spotlight by Rebellion Bundle

You only deserve the best of best things, so have at it! The 2000 AD Characters Spotlight Bundle has landed at Humble Bundle, and it is all geared up and ready to elevate your comic book collection with some highly acclaimed titles created by widely celebrated and appreciated authors and artists! Even if you don’t have a comics library right now, it’s never too late to hop in and introduce yourself to these fictional worlds and characters, and this large selection of items is a more than perfect way to start collecting. You will have some classic must-haves right from the start!

Make sure you hurry up and lock in this deal, as it is only available for a limited amount of time!

Unlock a collection of timeless classics!

This British science fiction magazine has worked up quite the fame over the years, and when we’re looking at this fantastic collection of comics we can definitely understand why! The 2000 AD Characters Spotlight Bundle contains dozens of phenomenal titles that will not only keep you entertained and leave you aching for more, but they will also freshen up and give your library an upgrade, as you will be acquiring lots of fan favorites, such as Judge Dredd, Slaine and many others! Moreover, there are 3 individually prices tiers available in this offering, so pay up to the one that suits your needs best.

Now it’s time for you to get uncovering these amazing stories with the first tier! It includes 2 items that can be yours for the very low amount of just 1, as follows:

  • Devlin Waugh: Blood Debt
  • Absalom: Under a False Flag

The fun is just starting, so aim higher to get more value! The second tier can be yours upon raising the bar to at least 9.43, and it will add the following 5 titles to your digital library:

  • Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
  • Devlin Waugh: Red Tide
  • The Complete Caballistics Inc.
  • Absalom: Terminal Diagnosis
  • Absalom: Ghosts of London
  • Brink: Books 1-5

Lastly, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance to lock in the full 2000 AD Characters Spotlight Bundle collection! Therefore, if you spend 16.82 or more for this deal, you will receive all previously enlisted contents, plus an additional amount of 27 staggering titles! Seize this opportunity and get the most out of it by unlocking:

  • Slaine: Dragontamer
  • Slaine: Warrior’s Dawn
  • Slaine: Time Killer
  • Slaine: The Wanderer
  • Slaine: The Treasures Of Britain
  • Slaine: The King
  • Slaine: The Grail War
  • Slaine: The Brutania Chronicles Books One to Four
  • Slaine: The Book of Scars
  • Slaine: Lord Of Misrule
  • Slaine: Demon Killer
  • Slaine: Books Of Invasions Vols. 1-3
  • Nikolai Dante: Tsar Wars – Volumes #1-2
  • Nikolai Dante: Too Cool to Kill
  • Nikolai Dante: The Great Game
  • Nikolai Dante: Sword of the Tsar
  • Nikolai Dante: Love and War
  • Nikolai Dante: Hero of the Revolution
  • Nikolai Dante: Hell and High Water
  • Nikolai Dante: Beast of Rudinshtein
  • Nikolai Dante: Amerika
  • Slaine: Lord of the Beasts
  • Judge Dredd Day Of Chaos: The Fourth Faction
  • Judge Dredd Day of Chaos: Fallout
  • Nikolai Dante: Sympathy for the Devil
  • Slaine: The Horned God
  • Judge Dredd Day Of Chaos: Endgame

Immerse yourself in the fictional worlds brought by the 2000 AD Characters Spotlight Bundle!

There’s no better way to spend your free time than with some amazing books to keep you company! Thanks to the 2000 AD Characters Spotlight Bundle, you can get your hands on lots of highly acclaimed comics, which of course will be starring your favorite and most iconic characters from the British comic book industry! If you are not familiar with these characters, that’s not an issue, as they just might become your new favorites after you’ll be introduced to them. So go ahead and check out the 2000 AD Characters Spotlight Bundle and other amazing deals, only at Humble Bundle.

To make this deal even more incredible, you should know that along with locking in this library of fantastic comic books, your purchase will come in support of charity in need! That is possible as Humble Bundle has partnered up with thousands of charities that they support with each purchase from their platform. Upon purchasing this bundle, you will be aiding the Cancer Research UK charity.

Give a helping hand to a very important charitable cause and gain a phenomenal set of comics!

It is important to mention that Humble Bundle allows you to choose how your money gets split between the publishers, charities or the Humble Tip, while also allowing you to adjust your donation, so that you are in full control of where your money goes. By using the links in this article to make purchases from Humble Bundle, you will also be able to support Bundle Scan. Thank you very much for doing so!

Make sure you check out the other bundles from Humble Bundle.

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